Monday, October 20, 2014


Hello to Everyone and thank you to all those Dear Readers who kept checking to see if I had posted anything.  A special thank you to you, Kind Readers, who emailed me to see if I was ok and to ask me to keep posting because they loved to read the blog.  I sincerely appreciate your concern and care to check up on me!  Thank you.

Many of you know that my mother has Alzheimer's and that my sisters and I were caring for her at home and taking turns spending nights at her house to enable her be at home as long as possible.  We did this for over two years and two weeks ago, it finally ended with our having to place Mom in a local care home.  It was a very painful decision to make and one that we had all dreaded having to make.  The first few days were rough.  Mom seemed to adjust fairly well at first, but then three days into the new location she began having issues, possibly due to stress or to a change in diet or water or who knows?  Her health issues resulted in her being very upset and stress with Alzheimer's can result in a number of behavior changes and personality changes. I am happy to say that much of that has settled down and now, except for a cold which developed this weekend, she is doing ok.  She has asked several times if we could go home, but for the most part, she has been accepting her new surroundings.  Now my sisters and I are making sure that one of us visits her for several hours every day.  I appreciate prayers for her that she will continue to do well and accept the new "home."

I have had some opportunity to do some rug hooking in the past months, but have not done as much as I would like.  Our rug hooking group, "Wool Ewe Join Us" has been meeting regularly and we've had as many as 11 rug hookers come to the monthly meeting...a WONDERFUL start for our group!  We have decided to meet a second day each month in a different location, so I'm hoping our numbers will grow as a result. We are going as a group to the fall Bishop Hill Hook In this coming Saturday at Bishop Hill Illinois.  Wheaton Woolens will be the vendor this time, and I am looking forward to seeing her beautiful wool and patterns!  CAN'T WAIT!!

This is a picture of my latest finish, the two primitive cats which are from a pattern by Bev Stewart.  What a fun pattern!  I really LOVE the primitive look of these.  I tore strips about 3/4" wide and cut them down the middle, so the cats are hooked in a fairly wide strip.  They are 8" tall by 6" wide and are stuffed with a little fiberfil and also crushed walnut shells to give them weight.  The backing is wool.  The pumpkins are from a few years ago.  They are hooked with a #8 cut wool and stuffed with fiberfil.  The back is wool, also, and the stems are sticks from my back yard.

The leaves this year have been so colorful and beautiful!  Our weather has been a little rainy, but nice and so far our Autumn has been fabulous.  Hope you are enjoying the beauty of Autumn where you live.

It is nice to get back to my blog, and hopefully, I will get to post more often now.  I have missed being here and look forward to catching up on lots of blog posts from you all!



  1. So glad your mother has adjusted it is so hard to see our parents ill.
    I love your pieces can't wait to see what you do next

  2. Hi Linda - I'm SO happy to see your new post - thanks for catching us up on your family situation - hope things continue to go well for your mom and her new surroundings - what a hard thing to do. Sounds like your rug group is off to a great start - it's great that you're going to meet every other week - you'll get a lot of hooking done, huh? Your primitive kitties are so cute - very calico looking to me - those wide strips are fun to work with!

  3. Happy to seeing your post. I understand the taking care of a parent, it's hard work. Hope now you will have a few hours to yourself to create. Those kitties are really cute. Glad your rug group is growing. It's always nice to be together and see each others work.

  4. Linda,
    So good to hear from you. God bless you and your sisters for all you are doing for your mom.
    Love the kitties!!!
    So happy to hear your rug group is thriving. Do you still see Ann?
    Hugs :)

  5. So glad to see things are settling down a bit for you and your Family.
    Love the cats they are a hoot, the pumpkins are adorable.
    Someday I will learn to hook a rug, maybe when I retire, next year.


  6. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Adorable kitties and pumpkins. :)


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