Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Finished Mat

I finally finished this spur of the moment project this morning.   The pattern is from a Kindred Spirits book, entitled "FolkArt Seasons" and measures 8 1/2" X 14 1/2."  The blue of the bird looks much more primitive in person...actually ALL the colors are darker and more primitive in person!  I can't seem to take a photo that turns out to be true to the color of the item...must be my camera...couldn't possibly be my lack of knowledge of photography :0)  It is hooked with a #8 cut and the buttons are metal.  The bird's eye is a small black bead.  I usually don't use a lot of blue in my rugs, but for some reason I decided to go with blue for the bird.  Now that it is finished, I wish I had made the bird black (as in crow) and the background lighter.  I guess I can hook another...LOL.  This is my first time using the new frame, and I must say, I really like it.  It holds the backing very taught and I did not have to adjust the pattern once.

The back of this mat is covered in wool, and this is my first attempt at the penny  "tongues" ...hopefully I will improve with practice!

Have a great week!
Hugs, Linda


  1. Hi, Linda, This is very pretty, I love your blue bird. I think your tongues turned our great!

  2. Linda ~
    It turned out great! The buttons are the perfect touch. It is so hard to capture the color of hooked rugs. I always fail miserably.
    Hugs :)

  3. Beautiful. I love the penny tongues ;)

  4. Hey Linda - Great design - I love those buttons with the stars on them! Glad you told us what size the finished rug is - I need to try and remember to do that too! Thanks for sharing your photo!

  5. I love this little rug. You can do it again with a crow and it will look completely different. But this one just says "Spring".

  6. Wow Linda, your rugs are beautiful. I took a quick tour of your blog. Love your Chistmas decor. JB


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