Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter Beauty

It is so beautiful outside today. The sun is shining and there is hardly any wind blowing...just perfect. We have had a few days with snow falling, and everything is fresh, white, and sparkling. The people on the east coast have really been "blessed" with a lot of snow this weekend, and I'm sure that those who are not used to so much snow are going through some trials right now. I've always enjoyed "snow days" when everyone has no choice but to stay home because of weather. There is something cozy about being inside by the fire while the snow falls (and drifts!) outside. An unexpected day of forced vacation can be a great time to catch up on a project or to read a book that you have been wanting to read. My favorite, of course, is to pick up my rug hooking and to spend the major part of the day sitting with some great classical music playing and working on my latest hooked rug. It can be so relaxing, and a lot of progress can be made. It is so great to get more than a few minutes at a time to work.

My cat and pumpkin rug is coming along, and I will try to post a picture soon. I can't wait to get this rug completed and to start on another project. I have already drawn another mat and am pondering color choices now. Hope you have a great week!


  1. what a beautiful photo Linda - I would love to be sitting by a fire rug hooking drinking hot tea and listening to some relaxing music. Can I come and stay at your house? While it is pleasantly cool here in NE FL - there is nary a snow flake in sight. I loved your previous post about the statue in tribute of the American troops - Unfortunately I have to use my laptop to comment on a few blogs and yours is one of them - I am a follower and faithful reader - just not able to post on my new PC on your and several other blogs - Take care Melody

  2. Linda - I was so sad that the big storm missed us here in Utah - I LOVE snow and we need a fresh batch soon. Glad you got to do a little hooking!


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